Friday, August 28, 2009
Sorry, Still No Pictures
I am still working on the problem. I expect that it will be resolved next week. Boy, do I have a ton of pictures to share with you.
The Shivers
Introducing food has been a challenge. Julia is disgusted by everything we have tried so far.
The first week: Bananas
She does not like bananas.
By the third day, she was gagging at just the smell of them.
She disliked it so much, she would get a shiver up her back!
(It was cute, funny and sad all at the same time.)
The second week: Rice Cereal with Breast Milk
She does not like rice cereal with breast milk.
By the second day, she would get a shiver with each bite!
The third week: Sweet Potatoes
She does not like sweet potatoes.
On the first day she was gagging and shivering at the disgusting taste!
The fourth week: Pears
I let you know how it goes...
The first week: Bananas
She does not like bananas.
By the third day, she was gagging at just the smell of them.
She disliked it so much, she would get a shiver up her back!
(It was cute, funny and sad all at the same time.)
The second week: Rice Cereal with Breast Milk
She does not like rice cereal with breast milk.
By the second day, she would get a shiver with each bite!
The third week: Sweet Potatoes
She does not like sweet potatoes.
On the first day she was gagging and shivering at the disgusting taste!
The fourth week: Pears
I let you know how it goes...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Big Girl Chair!
We ate breakfast out this morning at The Egg and I. Julia sat in a highchair for the first time! She impressed me with how well she could do it! Another milestone. Big girl.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Being a parent comes with so much happiness, stress and responsibility. From day to day, I make decisions taking Julia into consideration. I drive more safely now. I eat better. I wear sunblock. I just can't see myself doing something real dangerous. Like skydiving.
Though, being a parent is similar to skydiving... Life is suddenly flying by, I can barely catch my breath at times. I could scream with laughter and happiness. Stress and fear is there, but I try not to let it be the focus of this terrific ride. I just hold my arms wide and take it all in.
Though, being a parent is similar to skydiving... Life is suddenly flying by, I can barely catch my breath at times. I could scream with laughter and happiness. Stress and fear is there, but I try not to let it be the focus of this terrific ride. I just hold my arms wide and take it all in.
1/2 Year Old!

Julia is a terrific girl. It has been a blessing to watch her grow.
On her 1/2 birthday Scott and I took her shopping for a toy to celebrate.
We found this neat stuffed puppy, Scout, that can be programed with Julia's information. The puppy says cute things like, "I love you, Julia." It also sings songs and says funny things.

Happy 1/2 Year Birthday!
Happy Birthday Julia! You are 6 months today and growing like a champ!
One of your new favorite things to do is jump, whether you are in your excersaucer, your "Julia Jump-up" or in some one's arms... you love to jump. Now you have pappa jumping too. When he does you giggle really hard!
"Look, no hands!" You can sit all by yourself now! You can push yourself up into a sitting position and then let go of the ground to play with a toy. The first time you sat yourself up was on the guest bed with Grandma Dee Dee and Aunt Shana there. We were all so proud of you!
You like to sit up during your bathes and chase all of the floating toys with your hands. We got out the 'big girl seat' for your stroller and you like that a lot, since you can look around easily in it. You have also been sitting up in the shopping carts and using the shopping cart cover Oma Doris gave you!
You tried your first food - mashed up bananas. If you don't count all of the gagging, I think you liked it! You are constantly trying to take what I am eating and put it in your mouth. You also try to drink from cups and bottled water. The other day we let you copy what we do, by letting you put your mouth on the straw of my water at a restaurant. We were very surprised when you sucked up a big gulp of water!!! Now you have be experimenting with drinking from sippy cups.
You can now put the paci into your mouth all by yourself. We are anticipating your first crawl. To get around right now, you roll, wiggle and push yourself around on your tummy. It is the cutest thing!
Julia, you are a great baby. Each day with you is a blast!
Happy Birthday my little Blueberry,
Love Mommy
One of your new favorite things to do is jump, whether you are in your excersaucer, your "Julia Jump-up" or in some one's arms... you love to jump. Now you have pappa jumping too. When he does you giggle really hard!
"Look, no hands!" You can sit all by yourself now! You can push yourself up into a sitting position and then let go of the ground to play with a toy. The first time you sat yourself up was on the guest bed with Grandma Dee Dee and Aunt Shana there. We were all so proud of you!
You like to sit up during your bathes and chase all of the floating toys with your hands. We got out the 'big girl seat' for your stroller and you like that a lot, since you can look around easily in it. You have also been sitting up in the shopping carts and using the shopping cart cover Oma Doris gave you!
You tried your first food - mashed up bananas. If you don't count all of the gagging, I think you liked it! You are constantly trying to take what I am eating and put it in your mouth. You also try to drink from cups and bottled water. The other day we let you copy what we do, by letting you put your mouth on the straw of my water at a restaurant. We were very surprised when you sucked up a big gulp of water!!! Now you have be experimenting with drinking from sippy cups.
You can now put the paci into your mouth all by yourself. We are anticipating your first crawl. To get around right now, you roll, wiggle and push yourself around on your tummy. It is the cutest thing!
Julia, you are a great baby. Each day with you is a blast!
Happy Birthday my little Blueberry,
Love Mommy
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Still No Pictures
I still cannot post pictures to my blog. It is driving me crazy! I have contacted Apple and they are struggling to find the problem to fix it.
However, I keep taking pictures so when the problem gets fixed, I will have tons of photos to share!
However, I keep taking pictures so when the problem gets fixed, I will have tons of photos to share!
I turn 30 tomorrow. Today, I took the time to reflect back through my twenties. So many great moments. Marrying Scott. Finishing school. Buying our condo and our house. Getting Sabi our dog and Pixel the cat. Getting laser eye surgery. Visiting family often. Seeing my nephews grow. Teaching my students. Traveling internationally. Best of all... having Julia.
My twenties were good to me. I can't imagine what my thirties have in-store. Whatever it is, I can hardly wait.
My birthday wish...
Healthy family.
My twenties were good to me. I can't imagine what my thirties have in-store. Whatever it is, I can hardly wait.
My birthday wish...
Healthy family.
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