Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sticky Smiles

We made caramel apples with our friends Lisa, Natali and Landon.


First Ponytail

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Papa, just tap out and this will all be over with!"

For Grandpa

Grandpa is looking forward to some pictures of our first good snow. So this one is for him.

Our neighbors, Lauren and Eric, came over to play in the snow with us.

The snow was really wet and it was difficult to pull a sled through.

I was happy to find that they sell good (and cute) snowsuits in itty-bitty snow-princess sizes! We ordered this one online and tried it on when it arrived. Awe, she looks so cute!

We miss you Grandpa!

Autumn Fun

Eating like a CHAMP!

The Cleanup Crew

Sabi is the 'cleanup crew' at our house. I love that he gets the floor squeaky clean even before I see a crumb.

Sabi, you are such a good dog. We love you!

The Children's Museum of Denver

The museum had so much more than we expected. They have a big area just for crawlers to discover and play! The also had an itty-bitty basketball court, a real firetruck (with a toy dalmatian), a big art room, a play-vet room, a train room, a play grocery store, a dance studio, a puppet stage and lots of other stuff! Julia and I did everything! Boy, was it a fun experience!

Pumpkin Patch

Julia got this cute ladybug outfit from Oma. It is so cute and comfy too!

Straw! Yum!

A sandbox of corn kernels. We buried the pumpkins and found them again and again! Julia was not interested in standing after playing in the 'cornbox.' Then I discovered that her stockings were full with corn kernels! Ouch!

My Shopping Assistant

6 Month Pictures

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Papa's Sweet Songs

Papa is always coming up with sweet songs for Julia. This is his latest, singing it daily for about a month now. To the tune of Frere Jacques (Frarajaca)...

"Who loves Julia?
Who loves Julia?
Papa does.
Papa does.
Papa loves Julia.
Papa loves Julia.
Yes he does.
Yes he does."

Next, papa switches out the names to mama, Sabi, Pixel or other family members like grandma. How sweet is that? Here is another example.

"Who loves Pixel?
Who loves Pixel?
Julia does.
Julia does.
Julia loves Pixel.
Julia loves Pixel.
Yes she does.
Yes she does."

First Shoulder Ride