Friday, May 28, 2010

Dance Through Life

Why is it that some struggle so hard through life? Is it that they make bad choices or is it something more than that? Is it the hand they were dealt? Karma maybe? Is it something inside that we don't fully understand?

Others have such grace about them, such true happiness and dance through life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Haircut

We took Julia to Phil for her first haircut. Scott has been going to Phil for around 10 years and I go for a cut from time to time too. We have all developed a close relationship over the years and Phil could not wait for Julia to come in for that first cut. We all had a great time, especially Julia!

Final product: The bob

Monday, May 17, 2010

Playing in the Dirt

Julia loves playing in the open space behind our house. (Our house is in the background on the left). She doesn't mind the scratchy weeds and she loves the dirt and bugs. Her favorite part is running in all sorts of directions with no limitations!

Walking the Dog

Hey, whose walking the dog now?

Hey, the dog's getting away!

Happy Mother's Day!

Beautiful Music with Auntie Lauren


Julia loves wearing hats, sunglasses and anything to do with dress up. Her hats Oma sent are her favorite!

No Fear, Ms. Adventurous is Here!

Bestest Friends

Gardening with Momma

Tea Party

Julia had a tea party with Ms. Dolly.

Dolly is Julia's lovey. She holds her close when she falls asleep and likes playing with her from time to time.

Grocery Shopping

All Dressed Up

Julia tried my high heels on for the first time. She loved them and ran around the bathroom floor, loving the click clack sound they were making!

Papa's Boots - Size 14

Fun at the Pool

We went swimming at our community pool and had it all to ourselves! However, Julia would have preferred company... she is my little social butterfly and can't get enough interaction with others!

Musical Play Date!

Julia had a bunch of friends over for a musical play date! We danced, sang and play instruments! How fun!