Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nursing and our Little Blueberry

I wasn't sure if I should talk about breastfeeding on my blog site... I feel that in our culture, we aren't suppose to talk about it, especially to men. Though nursing seems to be all I've done since the baby has arrived. It has consumed me, physically and emotionally. It has been beautiful, rewarding, painful, stressful and did I say painful!?!? I thought it would come more naturally. One problem is that I have never seen anyone breastfeed. Isn't that sad? It is a little like ballroom dancing, you have to see someone do it, to get an idea of where your right hand goes, where her hips go, where her bottom hand goes, where your left arm goes, where her chin goes, where her feet go, etc. With the help of an expensive Board Certified Lactation Consultant, the positioning is coming along. Correct positioning has helped with the pain some. However, the thrush problem was so excruciating, I would have rather given birth each day in the last three weeks, then go through this pain! Seriously.

Since Julia has started treatment for thrush, which is an extract from the violet flower, things have gotten better by the day. Best of all, it temporally stains her mouth and lips a purple shade and she has gained a nickname: Our Little Blueberry

1 comment:

  1. Breast feeding is hard at first. I was not able to exclusively breast feed Sydney and Lior, it was too hard to keep up with twins. I nursed Jordan until I got pregnant with Akiva and she stopped on her own and I am still exclusively nursing Akiva. I think I put too much pressure on myself and was too stressed out to nurse the twins. When Jordan came she took to the breast like a fish to water and I loved nursing her. One thing I learned was I needed to relax. I decided not to pump because that just made me depressed (I never felt like I got enough milk and then I worried about how much the baby was consuming...) and I was going to take the babies lead. Much better for us both!
    I never had to deal with thrush thank goodness but I did have a mild case of mastitis with Jordan OUCH!!! I hope the breast feeding becomes less painful. I am currently dealing with Akiva's six teeth which hurt even when he is not biting me! I will tell you that I always said I would stop nursing as soon as the babies got teeth and here I am still nursing. It will get easier and more rewarding! Enjoy and if you have any questions or need some support I am here! I wish you were closer so we could nurse together!
