(His Opa, Fred Reinfeld had no middle name. In honor of Fred, we gave Brad a one syllable first name and no middle name.)
February 15, 2012
10:41 pm
(Julia was born on February 16th, Brad was 1 hour and 19 minutes shy of being born on Julia's birthday!)
8.15.9 lbs, 21 inches
AKA 9 pound baby!
I had him by induction with pitocin, due to my very high blood pressure at the end of my pregnancy. I was still able to birth him with no pain medication. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, his birth was a 2. He was in a posterier position (facing up, instead of down when he came out). So it took a few really hard pushes to get him out. He did not come out slowly, infact, he came out so quickly, he went airborne and the doctor had to catch him in the air!
Swedish Hospital, Englewood, Colorado
Dr. Weister, Doula Kirsten Dehmlow, Papa and Aunt Shana were there.
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