Saturday, October 30, 2010

~ Wrinkles ~

Okay... where did these wrinkles come from? Yesterday I noticed my first wrinkles, you know, the kind that stay even when your face is relaxed. THREE soft wrinkles across my forehead.

Where did they come from? Is this what happens when you hit thirty?

I like to think they are from having Julia. Not stress wrinkles, but SMILE wrinkles. Proof of how joyous my last 20 months have been.

So, so, so many smiles. I have three wrinkles to prove it! ~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

20 Months

She sangs Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the alphabet.
She tries to count things a lot.
She wears size 7 shoe and size 24 month clothes (for the length).
Her hair is long enough for pig tails.

She loves princesses, Elmo and horses.
She loves giving papa noses kisses and taking baths.
She loves talking and pointing out everything she knows the word to... Like 'moon!' 'cars' and 'wind!'
She loves to dance and will always ask you to join in, even if there is no music.
She loves to jump!
She loves eating pizza, pasta and cheese.
She loves Gymboree!
She loves playing outside.
She loves airplanes.

Her favorite toy is her dollhouse. She likes it even more when you play too.
She just started to peddal her tricycle yesterday!
She likes to sneak up on you and yell, 'roar!'
She likes to 'roar' to scare me when I walk to her crib when she wakes up.

She knows hot and cold, up and down, open and closed, and many other opposites.
She says please, thank you ('gymbomb') and bless you regularly and all on her own.
She uses a napkin at the table, wipes her mouth and puts it back on her lap.
She uses her words to communicate everything. The few times she whines instead of using words, we ask her to use her words and she calms down and says, 'words.'. Not yet understanding what we are asking, but it is adorable.

She likes to swipe my dept card at the store.
She discovers new things everyday.
Everytime she grows a little I think, man I live this stage.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Julia sung the WHOLE alphabet today! I'm pretty sure I heard each letter. I'm so proud of her! She is so smart! She even sung the little extra part at the end of the alphabet "song." Only 20 months old. You go girl!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love of HORSES!

Julia loves horses and was so happy to discover this statue in downtown Parker.

She went on her first donkey ride last weekend, at the Cider Days festival. But as far as she was concerned, it was not a donkey, but a horse!!!!

Traveling Girl

Julia's favorite seat in the airport is riding ontop of the luggage.

"More, papa, more."

Sticker Girl

Mighty Missouri River

It rained for one day and one night, so the river was up, out of it's banks. The rushing water is so powerful and fun to watch.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sugar and Spice, Everything Nice

Julia and Brianna had so much fun together. They played and played and played some more.

Happy 1st Birthday Thiago!

Little Traveler

Morning Walk in the Country

Julia and I got up early and took morning walks in our pjs at Aunt Shana's.

There is nothing like a morning in Missouri.

Prairie Farms

Julia was not interested in milking the cow or even petting her for that matter.

Aunt Shana showing Julia how fun playing in the straw is. Julia still didn't want to try it.