Sunday, March 28, 2010


The first question people often ask a mom is, 'is she sleeping at night?' Do others love to hear your misery? It doesn't matter if the baby is co-sleeping or crib sleeping, they ALL have difficult nights and difficult phases. Why must we feel that we need to hide the sleep difficulties? Do we feel that we are being judged as parents or that they are judging our sweet little babies or both?

I've always claimed that Julia is a good sleeper. Because she is. She and I are in a routine that we can both tolerate and get enough sleep with. Some of us, as parents, tackle sleep head on and some of us choose the path of least resistance. During this first year, I have chosen the path of least resistance, co-sleeping and nursing on demand at night. With this, I am able to sleep all night with very little effort on my part. This has worked wonderfully, however I am starting to think differently.

Is this from pressures from the outside? Is it instinct? Is it what is best for Julia or for me? I'm not sure. However, I am sure that things always change and so will her sleep routine.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

She's Sleeping In Her Crib!

Bye Bye Pacey

Julia gave up her pacey all by herself. I am so glad there was not a struggle.

She was never a full-time pacifier user, so I have very few pictures of her with it. However, she did use it in her car seat and stroller. Sometimes she used it to go to sleep.

The pacifier was terrific to sooth her when she was frustrated in her car seat (which was daily).

For two weeks she was very sick and couldn't suck on the pacifier. Now that she is better, she has no interest in the pacifier.

I am so proud of her!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick

Julia came down with a cold far worse than any cold I have ever seen. I thought for sure it was something worse than a cold, so I took her to the doctor who informed us that she has TWO ear infections!

Sadly, Julia is not the type to show signs of an ear infection, like pulling at her ears or crying when laid down. She has never had an ear infection, so we did not suspect it.

Three days later, on Saturday, she was getting worse and not better. So we took her into the ER and they assured us that she is doing okay and is crying all of the time because she is in the worst of the virus.

Poor thing.

Now papa and I have it too.

Poor us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Motherhood is a tiny smile that makes your heart sing.
It is messy open mouth kisses on your cheek.
It is cuddles from a sleepy baby.

Motherhood is realizing that everyone else makes it look so easy.
It is trying to do it all, even though you really do know it is impossible.
It is wanting what is best for baby.

Four generations

Motherhood is seeing things differently for the the first time.
It is noticing all of the love, hurt and anger in the world like never before.
It is worry and hope.

Motherhood is laughter.
It is being silly, just to stay sane.
It is making baby crack up at stuff you wouldn't think would make them laugh!

Motherhood is little sleep.
It is short showers and cactus legs.
It is often messy hair and sloppy clothes or 'comfy' which ever you prefer.

Four generations

Motherhood is poopie diapers that are so messy, it requires a bath.
It is hard decisions, co-sleep or not, nurse or formula...
It is attempting well balanced meals all day long!

Motherhood is fun in the small moments like when they clap!
It is knowing that baby is watching you and will copy you.
It is being careful of your word choice when you stub your toe!

Motherhood is pride each time you look at baby.
It is pride each time baby accomplishes a new thing.
It is pride each time someone notices baby at the store.

Motherhood is warm and cozy with cuddles from baby.
It is an aching arm when cranky baby falls asleep but you can't move.
It is a melting heart as you take a moment to stare at their sleeping face.

Your turn, add a paragraph by posting a comment...

12 Months Old

Julia is 12 months already!

She is not only walking, but running.
She says hi, oh-wow!, uh-oh, momma, Tee (for Pixel the cat), and dah-dah (for papa).
Julia blows kisses, loves waving hello and goodbye, and signs eat and finished.
She made up her own sign for 'hurt' months ago, in which she takes her left hand and flaps it on the top of her left ear a few times.

Julia's molars have made their debut. She is cutting her second one right now.
She has mastered the finger shake when someone is misbehaving!
The dog and cat food bowls can be tempting, but Julia has learned to leave them alone.
She knows what so many words mean, like when you ask for a hug, she wraps her tiny arms tight around your neck and then pats your back with one hand.
Weaning has begun.
Julia is wearing a size 5.5 in shoes! Size 18 months in clothes.
She naps twice a day and sleeps around 11 to 12 hours a night.
Her favorite foods include: blueberries, pears, meat, pizza (or anything with tomato sauce), raw tomatoes and cinnamon rolls.
She loves bath time.

Julia started dancing before she learned to walk. She now has two signature dance moves:
1. The Sprinkler, she puts one arm straight in the arm angled up a bit and the other arm in bent with the elbow straight back. She does this while slightly bouncing her knees to the beat!
2. The Sanitizer, she copies what papa does each time him puts sanitizer on his hands. She quickly and randomly rubs the back and front of her hands together. Almost making a big ball with her hands and does this while bouncing to the beat. Sometimes this motion turns into her rolling her fist around and around one another in front of her chest.

Julia, this year has been full of laughter and love. You are the best thing I ever did.
I love you! Mommy

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February 16, 2010

Julia's actual birthday was very special! Papa took her to the store and she picked out 2 toys!

In the evening we all went out to eat. Great-grandma Pat, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Shana, Levi, Brenden, Papa and Momma all went. Boy, did you look snazzy for the occasion!

Papa picked out a princess Cinderella cake for you. You had a few licks, but I think you liked playing in it more than eating it. You went straight to the bath and grandma washed you up while I got your pajamas ready. Aunt Shana cleaned up your cake mess at the table, it was every where!

The next day, we were still finding cake, like in your left ear!

At Colton's Steakhouse...

Playing with Aunt Shana before bedtime.

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl.

Sleeping Beauty

Little Love Bug

Happy first Valentine's Day Julia!

One pig tail in and one pig tail out. Either way, she is the cutest love bug around!