Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Motherhood is a tiny smile that makes your heart sing.
It is messy open mouth kisses on your cheek.
It is cuddles from a sleepy baby.

Motherhood is realizing that everyone else makes it look so easy.
It is trying to do it all, even though you really do know it is impossible.
It is wanting what is best for baby.

Four generations

Motherhood is seeing things differently for the the first time.
It is noticing all of the love, hurt and anger in the world like never before.
It is worry and hope.

Motherhood is laughter.
It is being silly, just to stay sane.
It is making baby crack up at stuff you wouldn't think would make them laugh!

Motherhood is little sleep.
It is short showers and cactus legs.
It is often messy hair and sloppy clothes or 'comfy' which ever you prefer.

Four generations

Motherhood is poopie diapers that are so messy, it requires a bath.
It is hard decisions, co-sleep or not, nurse or formula...
It is attempting well balanced meals all day long!

Motherhood is fun in the small moments like when they clap!
It is knowing that baby is watching you and will copy you.
It is being careful of your word choice when you stub your toe!

Motherhood is pride each time you look at baby.
It is pride each time baby accomplishes a new thing.
It is pride each time someone notices baby at the store.

Motherhood is warm and cozy with cuddles from baby.
It is an aching arm when cranky baby falls asleep but you can't move.
It is a melting heart as you take a moment to stare at their sleeping face.

Your turn, add a paragraph by posting a comment...

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