Friday, May 27, 2011

The Girls

Welcome Evelyn

First Ice Cream Cone

A morning at the the Denver Zoo.

Kidney Walk 2011

Our little way we can help Uncle Scott.

Rain, Rain...

Rain, rain, don't go away.
I love using my umbrella today!

Helping fold the laundry


The happiest place on earth is not at Disney World...

It's here, in my heart.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


The Easter bunny came! How did he know Julia wanted a jump rope?


My new favorite thing to cook- stromboli.

Finger Saved

Julia got her finger stuck in this toy. She managed to curl her finger and couldn't get it out. The swelling made it even harder to remove. After a lot of hand soap and some tugging, her finger was saved!!!


Julia wanted to jump for so long and got to today! She said she was doing big jumps, like a frog!