Saturday, April 16, 2011


Julia saw her first 3-D movie today, Rio.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Imaginative Play

Julia loves using one of papa's ties to play out scenes from the movie 'Tangled.' The yellowish tie is Rapunzel's hair of course and she plays this for hours everyday.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cherry Creek

The Cherry Creek runs just behind our house, about 50 yards from our backdoor. We love to go and spend time playing and relaxing by it.

Julia loves to throw sand into the water (as there are not many rocks to throw in).

The water is ice cold because it is melted snow from the mountains; therefore she does not try to get in.

French Braids

My mom used to do my hair like this, two french braids. I loved it and Julia loves it when I do her hair that way. With a little help from the iPad, she sits very still until I'm done.

Pretty Eggs

Julia colored eggs for the first time today. She couldn't wait to crack one open and eat it! (notice the missing egg:)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Care

Brenden always takes such good care of Julia. She loves spending time with him!!!

Valentine's Day

Julia went to a party, decorated a shoebox, exchanged cards and decorated cupcakes. She had so much fun!