Saturday, March 26, 2011

Papa Fix It!

Julia was singing a song and softly playing with my hair.

When she was done, my hair was really messy. I said, "Oh no, my hair is a mess!"

She got close to my face, held my cheeks in her hands and said, "Don't worry momma, papa fix it."

He, he!!! So I couldn't wait for papa to come home from work, to tell him the story and...

have him fix my hair.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pet Rock

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Julia made this pet rock at a play date.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tank Come

Julia is great at using her nice words like please and thank you.

For quite sometime, she has pronounced thank you and you're welcome as "tank come."

Which I have realized is a mixture of thank you and you're welcome. "Tank come."
Too cute!

Tank come for checking out our blog today!