Monday, April 30, 2012

The Good Guy

Julia recently started playing good guy, bad guy. She has a sword which she carries by sticking it down her pant leg.

Maybe she'll grow up to be a police officer? Or in the CIA? Maybe the Air Force?

Either way when she was doing the voice for the bad guy earlier today and she kept FAKE sneezing.

She stops, looks at me and says, "You know mom, bad guys sneeze too."

Ha, ha!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

9 weeks

Brad looks so handsome in this outfit from his Great-Grandma Betty.

He loves to be walked around, to watch his sissy play, bath time and to give out smiles.

Brad weighs 13 pounds now.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rock Out

The Easter Bunny brought Julia the Barbie guitar she wanted so, so, so badly.

Rock out girl...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Such a Proud Big Sister

She refers to him as "Brother" instead of Brad.

Every time he cries she tries to help.

She helps dress him, change his diapers and bath him.

If he cries very hard she lets me know that he wants mommy milk.

Every day she wants to hold him a few times (and we always let her). I thought the excitement would wear off by now but seven weeks into it she's still so glad he's here!

She likes to smush his cheeks around so he's making funny faces! Hehe

She already loves him so much!

Every time we go somewhere and she introduces him has her baby brother and that his name is Brad.

(His face is a little purple from some medicine to treat thrush.)

Tea Time

We started the day with an egg hunt here in our Stroh Ranch community.

Then we had lunch and tea at Tea Leaves with Uncle Eric and Aunt Lauren.

Julia's First Dentist Appointment

She is a brave little girl.

Welcome Baby Boy!

Brad Reinfeld
(His Opa, Fred Reinfeld had no middle name. In honor of Fred, we gave Brad a one syllable first name and no middle name.)

February 15, 2012
10:41 pm
(Julia was born on February 16th, Brad was 1 hour and 19 minutes shy of being born on Julia's birthday!)

8.15.9 lbs, 21 inches
AKA 9 pound baby!
I had him by induction with pitocin, due to my very high blood pressure at the end of my pregnancy. I was still able to birth him with no pain medication. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, his birth was a 2. He was in a posterier position (facing up, instead of down when he came out). So it took a few really hard pushes to get him out. He did not come out slowly, infact, he came out so quickly, he went airborne and the doctor had to catch him in the air!

Swedish Hospital, Englewood, Colorado
Dr. Weister, Doula Kirsten Dehmlow, Papa and Aunt Shana were there.

Catch up

Back in September, we took a trip to Disney World. I had trouble getting the pictures off the camera to update this site. As days, weeks, months pasted, I was overwhelmed with all that was happening and how behind my blog was getting.

The amount of catch up is too overwhelming to go back. However I'll do a quick recap.

1. Disney World and visit with Oma Doris, Uncle Scott, Aunt Ivis, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Joyce, Debbie, Matt, cousins Lior, Sydney, Jordan and Akiva.
2. For Halloween, Julia dressed as Tinker Bell and as a fairy.
3. Momma got a new family car, a red Subaru Tribeca. (I call it the Radio Flyer, since it's red and can haul a lot of people.)
4. We spent Thanksgiving with family in Missouri. Papa hunted for deer, but didn't get one.
5. Christmas was spent with good friends and we had a sushi dinner. Santa was good to Julia with an art easel, princess toys and a dragon. Santa could've skipped all the other toys and just brought "Toothless,"" the dragon, from the movie, "How to Train Your Dragon." As that is still her one and only favorite toy.
6. Julia has imaginary friends! A boy named, "Gock," whom is very nice and she plays with him the most (she says shes going to marry him someday!) We also have, "Annie" and "the girls."
7. Momma went into preterm labor at 35 weeks! Yikes! Was on best rest to stop the contractions. Made it to 37 weeks and had pregnancy induced high blood pressure. More bed rest and made it to 38 weeks, at which I had to be induced. Aunt Shana came to visit and take care of Julia and Momma during bed rest.
8. Baby Brad was born!!!
9. Granny came to visit and take care of all of us.
10. Julia turned 3 years old and had a fantastic pony party.