Monday, December 21, 2009

10 Months

Jules loves to wear her papa's hat. Sunhats and winter hats are often pulled off, but not these special hats!

Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Uh-oh! She loves to say uh-oh!

Favorite foods: tomatoes, pears and pizza

Julia spends a lot of time upright on her feet. She stands all the time and walks along furniture. She pushes things while walking and will take one or two steps. NOT walking just yet!

Ah-choo! Jules has her second cold right now.

Waving is one of her favorite things to do (besides clapping!). Her wave is adorable and I will do my best to describe it. She reaches forward with her palm up and curls her fingers in and out to wave at people. It brings a smile to everyone!

She has five teeth.

We listen to music a lot and we make music a lot and we sing music a lot. So Julia loves to dance to the beat! To dance, she gets on her knees and bounces her butt up and down with her arms reached out to the sides, her hands in a fist and a smile from ear to ear. However, yesterday she bounced up and down on her feet for the first time! You go girl!

She is comfortably wearing 12 month sizes and just moved to shoe size 4.

Julia likes to copy what we do.

She tries to feed us.

She is always on an adventure and recently started opening cabinets by herself.

She loves to drum everything. Like right now, she is using my cellphone and the woodfloors to compose a new piece!

Climbs everything. Boxes. Stairs. Furniture. Chairs. Beds. Ladders. Jungle gyms. Toys. Everything.

Has a lot more hair. Blond hair.

Her eyes have not changed for a few months, so I think they have settled on a color. What that color is, I'm not sure. They are not brown or blue. Some days I'm sure they are green. However, they also look like a dark gray-blue. Some people say they are hazel. I would best describe them as brownishgreenishblue! No, actually, I would describe them as a little brown around the pupil and the rest dark blue.

Julia likes to play peek-a-boo. She has mastered holding the blanket up infront of her face and dropping it suddenly to startle us!

She is very happy 97% of the time. That is what people notice the most about her. She is quick to breakout into a laugh as well. Especially if you tickle her ribs! Or feet! Or neck! LOL

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