Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Potty Training

I found out that we have been potty training later and later. Why is that? Why did potty training typically start around 12 months a few generations ago, then 18 months and now 24 months?!?!

That got me thinking that maybe I could potty train my 16 month old. So I jumped online and decided to follow Fellom's 3-day potty training.

We started in July and it worked! Julia is not perfectly potty trained, but after the 5th day of learning, she went 17 days without an accident. Today she had an accident and it was no big deal.

Bye bye to diapers and messy poops that go up the back and down the legs. Good bye to the cost of diapers and adding more to the landfills.

I'm so proud of her for getting it with no resistance!

I expect her to have accidents once and a while, but as for now, I'd say she officially potty trained!

You go girl!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's amazing! Sy took like a YEAR to potty train. He still wears pull-ups at night, though he wakes up dry much of the time. I heard girls are easier to potty train than boys are, but that's just amazing! Way to go Julia (and Lisa)!
